Saturday, August 2, 2008

So McCain Thinks It's OK To Mock Obama?

If McCain thinks his nasty little campaign ads are funny, he's out of his pinhead mind!

Comparing Obama to Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton?

Excuse me?

Let's take this down the low road for just a minute.

What if some Obama supporters started making fun of McCain's disabilities? His withered arm? His bouts with skin cancer (melanoma)? His cheating on his first wife? Abandoning his DISABLED first wife to marry the rich blonde with political connections? Hmmm?

Oh, is that different?


I think not.

I think that the current ad campaign, mocking Obama, is beyond despicable.

I hope that the American voters see through this, and see the face of the man who thinks this kind of negativity and nasty humor is acceptable behavior for a President. I hope that they see that if we vote this man in, America will be represented by a man willing to take the lowest road to the top.

I don't want that.

McCain thinks it's OK to mock Obama?

I think we're seeing the inner character of the man. Ugly from the inside out.

Take off your sunglasses and blinders folks. The mean is shining through.

McCain is showing more and more of his true colors.

Bile is not a good color for a President...

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