Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hmmm, Interesting Choice For Vice President

McCain's choice of a VP is pretty interesting.

In fact, I think it's brilliant!

As the talking heads were announcing that Sarah Palin was the choice, and started describing her, I felt my heart leap.

Dang, if I were a Republican, I'd vote for her!

Lucky me, I'm not, I'll stick with Obama.

But listen. McCain's choice is a smart one for many, many reasons. Yes, her experience is limited, but her life choices outweigh a lot of that.

What am I talking about?

McCain is going for the marginal (and not so marginal) votes.

Palin is a Christian, hunter, mooseburger eater, NRA member, anti-abortion advocate, anti-gay marriage that still followed her state's court rulings regarding discrimination against gays.

She has a Down Syndrome child that she CHOSE to have, despite the results of the prenatal testing. IE, no lip service here, she walks the walk.

Oh, and she's a white woman, still married to her first husband, with five kids and one is in the military, preparing to be deployed to Iraq.

She's a Moderate Republican's wet dream of an up and coming politician. She leans far enough to the Right to make most Republicans happy, without swinging so far that she's unpalatable to the undecided voters.

And she's quite attractive too. Which rarely hurts a candidate.

Don't underestimate the desirability of this woman to the Republicans and the wobblers. Don't underestimate her desirability to the Christian Right.

If she'd been paired with a better Presidential candidate, she'd be perfect, I might have even considered voting Republican.

McCain made a brilliant choice with his Vice Presidential candidate. She's going to pull in a LOT of votes that might(maybe) have went Democratic -- a lot of traditional, middle-American white votes.

But I don't think I could stand four more years of the Bush brotherhood of Republicans in charge.

I just can't do it.


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