Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gas Prices Are Dropping

Yes, prices are dropping, fairly rapidly.

Like I'm surprised?

As soon as Bush gave his speech and dropped the Presidential ban on offshore drilling, prices started coming down.

I'm not a bit surprised. This whole gas thing is killing my budget. And I've known all along that it IS all about the money.

Yes, we have been used and abused again. Just like Enron. Just like New Century. Just like IndyMac. Just like a whole lot of other big business that sees a way to gouge more money out of the American public.

Nothing new here.

There is NO reason why gas is so high, except for speculation on the oil market and the oil companies making the maximum amount of money off the backs of the American consumers. Yes, record profits. Just like Enron.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I still think that the speed limits should be lowered to 60 and that those limits should be enforced. Or at least enforce the 65mph speed limits we already have in place.

We should still continue to explore and promote solar, wind and nuclear power. Every little bit counts.

I still want a Mercedes 240D converted to veggie oil. (A diesel Rabbit or Volvo will also do nicely. Or an old diesel Datsun/Nissan. I'm not into looks, I'm into economy!!)

Just because prices are dropping, doesn't mean that we shouldn't anticipate the next big jump in prices. They will come.

Gas prices are dropping. But for how long, and how low will they go?

And will the US government look into the monopoly of the oil companies?

No, no they won't.

So the American consumer, like always, will carry the load.

Bush may give us the incentive rebates, but we will continue to pay so many hidden taxes in the goods, oil, food that we buy, it really won't make a bit of difference in the long run.

Honesty is the best policy?

Not in politics.

Trust me, gas prices are dropping, but we will continue to pay. And pay. And pay.

After all, this is America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. The land of "tax them until they drop" and then baffle them with BS. Repeat as needed.

Yes, gas prices are dropping.

And we're still going to get screwed...

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