Thursday, May 26, 2011

Illegal Ban On Collective Bargaining Overturned!


Basically, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi said that the Senate vote on March 9 failed to comply with the open meetings law. Such laws are enacted in many states and require adequate notice to the public. Wisconsin law requires at least two hours notice.

Now, they could just go back in, give proper notice, and then pass it again. However, the public is now fully aware that:

  1. It was all a big lie. Wisconsin government workers fund 100% of their pensions. So the saving money/cutting pension argument was a complete falsehood by the governor and his cronies.

  2. The public woke up and realized that once government workers were denied their rights to unionize, it wasn't a big step to deny union rights to ALL employees, public and private.

  3. Recall elections are already pending. Voting on the topic again will add fuel to the fire and that's the last thing those Republicans need right now.
As the Judge wrote, quoting from a previous Wisconsin Supreme Court decision, “The right of the people to monitor the people’s business is one of the core principles of democracy.”

Good job to Judge Sumi! May you "live long and prosper"!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Well They Finally Got Bin Laden...

And you'd think that the politicians would all be happy.


I must have had a moment of extreme obliviousness to think that.

The Republican idiot of the decade, Sarah Palin gave credit to the President, but couldn't even say President Obama, and then went on to praise former President Bush. Bush? WTF did BUSH have to do with this? Yeah, some intelligence that led us in the wrong direction for a decade.

As for Palin, say what? She couldn't even give credit where credit is due?

And she's just the tip of the iceberg.

Freaking idiots.

Partisan politics over the overwhelming sense of relief that the instigator of terrorism is dead? Are you kidding me?

Oh my freaking goodness.