Thursday, August 30, 2012

Governor of Arizona Endorsed Obama!

OK, that might have been a slip of the tongue. Maybe. But I find it hysterically funny that she did it at the Republican National Convention, in front of the supporters of the "barefoot and pregnant" policies of the Republican Party.

Whether or not she back-peddled is unimportant.

I think that she believes (maybe subconsciously) that President Obama will prevail over Romney.

Personally, I think that there are a lot of Republicans, mostly women, who don't discuss their votes with anyone and will vote for the President because the Republican platform continues to promote a sexist and bigoted agenda that subjects women and their bodies to men's policies. To hell with what women want, the good old boys are in charge and determined to stay that way.

Just in case you missed the sound bite on the news, here it is again: