Sunday, January 27, 2008

South Carolina! Need I Say More?

Oh, my goodness!

I am just filled with joy on this day!

Obama is ruling the day and the Clintons' tactics blew up in their faces!

I really believe that the more the Clintons bring up race, the more it's going to accentuate their own failings. Dirty politics has never worked with me, and I'm becoming more and more hopeful that my fellow Americans are waking up and smelling the BS.

South Carolina! Need I say more?

Well, the Cali primary is on February 5th and for the first time in many a long year, I'm thinking that my vote is really going to make a difference, instead of making the best of a bunch of bad choices.

As I've said before, I don't think Hilary can win the Presidential election. Too many people just plain hate Bill. She's going to lose votes because of her husband.

I really believe Obama has a better chance of crossover votes from the Republican side. He's not too, too liberal. He's not too, too conservative. He FEELS like he's a better representative of the majority of Americans.

I was really doubtful that Americans were ready for a Black President, but every day I'm feeling more and more optimistic that Obama is THE choice for the Democrats.

Go Obama!!

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