Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Dad Hates Democrats

My Dad hates Democrats.

Of course I'm a Demo -- LOL -- guess since I'm his baby girl I get a pass on it. (But you really have to pick something in order to have any kind of real vote in the elections.)

I consider myself to be a moderate. With some wild swings to the right and the left on certain issues. Mostly I think we have too much government, too many laws we don't enforce, and the feds need to get their noses out of people's bedrooms and private lives.

I think marriage should be between two consenting adults and their church. Everybody gets a civil union, then you can go over to your church to get "married" if you want. (I'm not in favor of polygamy, it's BS, sorry guys, you can't keep up, why should you get the extra woman and keep us ladies unsatisfied?)

Mary Jane should be legalized and regulated along with cigarettes and alcohol. No smoking nothing in public or around the kids. We should have proper smoking areas for people. We should concentrate the "drug war" on meth and crack, cocaine and heroin. Education first, then treatment with prison as a last resort for the big dealers.

I think Dad and I actually agree on some of that!!

But on the flip side of that conservative coin, Dad has all respect for hardworking people, he doesn't give a crap what color you are as long as you're good people and a worker. He has nothing but disdain for anyone who's leaching off the system (the disabled and truly poor are excluded from that).

He hates the Clintons (no surprise there, LOL), does NOT support the current actions in Iraq, thinks Obama doesn't have a chance because he's a Demo and therefore will ruin the country. (But I think if Obama went Republican Dad would most likely vote for him...) He would've voted for Colin Powell. In fact, I would have too. But we know the smartest people in Washington do NOT want to be President, and Powell is a really smart man. He would have been awesome. Sigh.

Oh, and he also thinks we have too many laws and don't enforce the ones we have already [that should be enforced].

He thinks that the news media looks for anything bad to present to the public as the only truth there is. (Hey, another thing we agree on!)

Don't get him started about Jesse or Al though...

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