Whatever we each think about the current world situation, we have thousands of men and women, our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, parents, serving in the military. They have made a commitment to our country, to protect and serve, and if necessary, to give their lives to protect us. They deserve our respect.*
Now, I have no problem with people who are protesting for peace and think we have no place in Iraq. Shoot, I don't think we have any business in Iraq! But it's too late, now that we've brought down the former government, we can and should do what we can to rebuild the country. We have a responsibility to the peoples of Iraq.
But that wasn't my point today.
Casey Sheehan is a hero. Unfortunately, however, his mother is a blithering idiot. I do have much pity for Cindy Sheehan, she lost her much loved son. She and too many others have lost their beloved family members and deserve our compassion and understanding.
BUT, every time she opens her mouth and starts blathering on, she disrespects her son's memory. Casey was a good man. He made his choices as a man, not Cindy's little boy. Casey chose to join the military. It was a man's decision, made by a man. When he went to Iraq, he went there as a MAN.
Cindy lost her son. And now, in my not-at-all-humble opinion, she's using his memory and her own pain to make a fool of herself. Casey deserves better than this.
Cindy's pain is not unique. There are thousands of other mothers and fathers who are mourning the loss of their children. But they don't run in front of the TV cameras whining about how it's Bush's fault their child died. They have respect for the decisions their children made and the price they paid. It is a price no one should have to pay. But Casey and thousands of other men and women made their decisions. They deserve the respect of all of us for those decisions and the consequences, giving their lives.
Anyway, Cindy is out in front of the cameras, then she's waiting for Bush at his ranch, demanding that he meet with her. Then, when she tires of waiting for Bush at his ranch (like she'd ever be able to meet with him -- please Cindy, get real!); she announces she's going to go back to being a mother for her other children.
Hello? Cindy, didn't your other kids need you a long time ago? Where were you when your husband and family needed you? Where were you when they were working through their own pain in losing a son, a brother?
While Cindy was running around the country mugging for the media, she left her family in the midst of their own loss. So they had yet another loss, they lost her too.
Then Cindy announced that she's going to run against Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, third in line to the Presidency, if Nancy doesn't impeach Bush. So Cindy is going to run against Nancy...
Has this poor woman completely lost her mind?
Actually, I think she has.
I pray that I never have to face the loss of one of my children. Jesus, if it ever happens, please keep me close to You, give me strength to face the reality of it, keep me sane in the midst of chaos. And right now, I also pray for Casey's family, that they are comforted in Your Peace and Love. Let them remember all the goodness of Casey and let the Joy of the Lord God Almighty overcome their sadness. In Jesus' holy name, Amen, Amen, and Amen.
*Please note, I do not support the murders committed by some members of the military in Iraq. Each one will face the US Military justice system, and in the end, will face their final Judgement. I pray that the innocent victims and their families find peace in the punishment those men receive, both here on this earth and beyond this life.
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