And the answer is, I don't know.
I do have an opinion though. I don't see him as President this go-around. It's good that he's getting his name out there, he looks like a good future candidate.
But I think the Clinton machine is going to win the Democratic nomination this time. And I also think that the WORST thing he can do is to be Hilary's running mate.
Why? Because there are just too many people who hate the Clintons. Right or wrong, Bill's escapade with whats-her-name (Monica) just grated on too many people's personal morals. Even though, LOL, some of them aren't any better, they just haven't been caught.
I think Hilary is going to get the Democratic nomination. And then, unless the Republicans choose an utter loser, they're going to win the Presidency again.
Sigh, I'm not sure which is worse.
However, in four years, maybe eight, I can easily envision Obama as our new President. I really think he has a chance. He's just too new to the public eye right now.
One thing that the upper level spinmasters don't seem to take into account is that this country really has more middle of the road voters than the far right or left. When in doubt, voters are going to go for the more conservative guy. If voters are faced with the choice of a good candidate with a couple of views that are too far outside their comfort zone, or a much more conservative candidate that's not too, too far to the right, they're going to go for the more conservative candidate. People want change, but not too much change.
I really think that's why Bush won.
Gore didn't have a chance.
Plus, despite his intelligence, Gore is an idiot out here in the real world where the rest of us live. On top of it, his association with the Clintons tainted him from the beginning. There are just too many voters that hate the Clintons so much that they'll vote against anyone who's been a part of that administration.
So, my personal opinion, which is always subject to change, is that the Republicans are going to win the White House yet again.
Hopefully, the incoming President will get a clue about what the "little people" want and start cleaning up the mess in Iraq, not attack Iran, and start focusing more on issues that affect the people here at home.
What would I like to see here on the home front?
- Better coordination of benefits between the military and Veterans Administration.
- More health care for children. (I think ALL kids should have free or low-cost health care, no matter what their parents' income level or immigration status may be. And once they turn 21, then they are converted to the private insurance of their choice.)
- Open up immigration so we can properly document and tax the people who are coming here to work anyway. Jeez, people, we have people who come here to WORK! Don't tell me they're "taking jobs away from citizens". That is utterly false. YOU go out and pick fruit when it's 110 in the shade -- oh, wait, you're too good to do that, right? Yeah, I thought so. I'm not going to do it either...
- Better loans for subprime borrowers who've been caught up in the mortgage blowup. (Get people into fixed rate, long term loans at lower payments, even if it means a 50-60 year loan. Most people don't stay in their houses that long. It will average out...)
- If fuel is a problem, put the national speed limit back to 55mph. Let's not lie, the gov't and oil companies are screwing us over. People get the best gas mileage at 55mph whether they're driving a Prius or a Hummer. This would save a LOT of fuel (and lives).
- Nuclear power may be the most expensive to build, but in the long term, it's cheaper and cleaner than most other options. Coal fired plants are not clean and not a long term solution to our energy needs.
- More solar and wind power plants, because every bit counts.
- Encourage more alternative type housing, including passive and active solar systems.
- Fix our infrastructure - roads, bridges, trains, mass transit systems.
- Less posturing, more real work from our politicians. Let's see these men and women out there with Jimmy Carter, building houses for Habitat for Humanity. Let's see something more than the photo-op of the week!
Yeah, I know, my Republican dad thinks I'm too liberal.
My anarchist friend thinks I'm too conservative.
Guess I'm wobbling down the middle. Again.
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