Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Election Is Over and You're Talking About What?

Are you kidding me? Impeachment? For what?

Oh my goodness, I thought that Democrats were poor losers, but this just takes the cake!

Impeachment? Really?

You really should look at some of the information being spread by these folks. Ignorance certainly is bliss, because they're claiming that President Obama and his Administration is everything from Marxist to having stolen the election with voter fraud. (Funny, I could've sworn that I read about the electronic voting machines in several states that gave Romney the vote, no matter which box you'd clicked!)

And the "Obamacare" that they're blathering about was based upon the system set up by Romney! So, what alternate reality do these people live in? Why is it when the Democratic (Black) President gets it through, it's bad, but when the Republican governor implemented it in his state, it was good?

Oh, and the secede movement. OMGoodness, are you kidding? REALLY? And they think that anyone is going to take them seriously?

Impeach the President? Nonsense!!

These fools have been listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who make their money by blathering away on the radio, making idiots of themselves as they lie their way through another hour of your life. Have they forgotten that Rush is a drug addict and Hannity is just an out-and-out idiot?

Knowledge is power so you really should know what these fools are carrying on about, even if you agree with me -- they're morons. Check out the foolishness being spouted on the Internet, but if you don't want to blow a gasket, avoid Limbaugh's and Hannity's radio shows at all costs. Just read the transcripts, it's a little easier on your nerves...

Voting Machine Problems:
Impeach Obama Campaign:
Rush Limbaugh:
Sean Hannity:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Governor of Arizona Endorsed Obama!

OK, that might have been a slip of the tongue. Maybe. But I find it hysterically funny that she did it at the Republican National Convention, in front of the supporters of the "barefoot and pregnant" policies of the Republican Party.

Whether or not she back-peddled is unimportant.

I think that she believes (maybe subconsciously) that President Obama will prevail over Romney.

Personally, I think that there are a lot of Republicans, mostly women, who don't discuss their votes with anyone and will vote for the President because the Republican platform continues to promote a sexist and bigoted agenda that subjects women and their bodies to men's policies. To hell with what women want, the good old boys are in charge and determined to stay that way.

Just in case you missed the sound bite on the news, here it is again:

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ummm, Unclear on the Concept?

I was reading some comments on the Supreme Court decision regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Ummm, are some of these people really unclear or just ignorant? Leaving the US because of the healthcare act? Where are they going to go -- most developed countries have a universal health plan!!

I'm afraid I laughed myself silly.

As for Mitt and his blathering about repealing the healthcare act -- DUDE, it's based on YOUR plan that YOU implemented! Can we say hypocrite at best? (I'm actually leaning toward liar, but I'm trying hard to be polite. Lord knows why.)

The "tax" that people are ranting about? Ummm, what, you usually get a refund, right? So you'll get a slightly smaller refund if you don't have health insurance. If you're truly poor, you qualify for Medi-Cal or Medicaid so all you have to do is apply.

If you don't like the provisions in the healthcare act, I want to remind you that this is NOT the original plan presented to Congress. This is a compromise with provisions put into it by the Republicans, who are now howling about their own words, claiming that our President put stuff that in. Dude, no he didn't. You dang politicians hung every pork barrel and line of BS onto the plan, knowing that we, the people, needed a healthcare plan, so you took advantage of the situation. Don't whine too much, some of us are way smarter than you think we are and we know whose fault it is!

If you ask me, 90% of the politicians at every level of government should be voted out after a decade of service. In the meantime, their wages should be cut, their benefits reduced to that of their constituents, and so on.

So anyway, the next time you hear Rush or one of his cronies ranting on the radio, remember that they have a vested interest in keeping you riled up with their lies. If you want the true facts, take it to the source! Read the act, read the Supreme Court decision, read the website.

And please, don't tell me you're moving to Canada because of the healthcare act. I may have trouble restraining my laughter.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Florida Illegally Purging Voters?!?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Less than 90 days before their August 14 primaries, Florida is illegally purging their voter roles?

Check this out from the Huffington Post:

"Miami-Dade County election officials issued 1,570 warning letters, said Christina White, the county chief deputy supervisor of elections. Of these, 13 people responded indicating they are not citizens and have been removed from the voter rolls. One of the voters cast one ballot in 1996. Another voted once in 2000 and again in 2004. Their names will be forwarded to the state’s attorney’s office for possible prosecution as required by law, White said.

"However, Miami-Dade County said it will not purge other voters from the rolls because of the large number of citizens included on the state’s suspect voter list. Nearly 450 voters who received warning letters provided proof of citizenship and another 35 have made plans to do so. About 1,000 voters have not responded, White said."

Now, lets take a fast look at this. 1,570 warning letters were sent out to voters. Of those nearly 450 have already responded, proving that they're citizens and another 35 (so far) have plans to do so. So of those letters, nearly one third are definitely citizens.

There is something seriously wrong with this. I'll lay odds that at least another third are citizens too, but haven't read the letter or haven't located their birth certificates or other proof of citizenship yet.

Of those voters being targeted by Florida, 60 percent are Latino. Only 13 percent of voters in Florida are Hispanic/Latino.

A 91 year old Veteran and his wife were among those targeted.

There is a reason why Florida is among the Southern states that are REQUIRED to submit any plans to purge voter lists to the Federal Justice Department. The Voting Rights Act prevents them from purging voters due to the history of denying the vote to Black and Latino citizens.

Oh, yeah, Rick Scott gets up there and defends this, but I see this as yet another attempt by Florida to manipulate an election. They got away with it before and now they're trying it again. (Did you know that they purged voters before the infamous Bush victory in Florida? Yeah, I'll bet you didn't know that!)

It is a shameful thing when a government thinks that it can blatantly discriminate against voters, denying them the vote on the basis of ethnicity, race and skin color.

I hope that the Justice Department has representatives at the polls in Florida and arrests the Elections officials responsible for denying the vote to citizens.

As for Rick Scott -- REALLY? You think that you can target the citizens in your state and not suffer the consequences?

I so hope that your constituents wake up and vote your sorry behind out of office. It's way past time.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Romney -- The Anti-Woman Choice

The Repubs have really shot themselves in the foot with this choice.

Honestly, if you're a woman, tell me again why you're voting Republican?

Seriously, you're going to vote for the barefoot-and-pregnant, women-are-second-class-citizens party? Really?

Don't get me wrong, there's sexist pigs everywhere. They're at your job, in your government, shoot, even in your own family. But you can CHOOSE to NOT vote for these kinds of guys.

Why on earth would you vote for a candidate that, if he had his choice, would keep women (and minorities) as second or even third class citizens?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why I Don't Vote Republican

Taking just the briefest, shallowest look at the Presidential candidates:

Cain - sexual harassment accusations

Gingrich - hypocrite who raised Cain about Clinton cheating on his wife -- while he was busily cheating on his wife with his next wife...

Ron Paul - anti-women's rights and don't forget his racist newsletter

Romney - Mormon (some people will never get past that), anti-union, wants to raise age limit for Medicare, wants to increase the military by at least 100,000 troops

Santorum - against birth control, tried to tack Intelligent Design onto the No Child Left Behind (like that hasn't been a big enough disaster)

Trump - birther

What? These are the Republican candidates? (Yes, I know that some are out of the race already.) Are you KIDDING me? Out of the entire Republican party, this is the best they can do?

I just shake my head. Not a credible candidate in the running.

As a woman, I couldn't vote for a candidate who was against birth control (unless the other choice was Hitler), I couldn't vote for a racist, I couldn't vote for a birther, I couldn't vote for a hypocrite.

Hmmm, guess that took care of the Repubs...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Or if you prefer, just shoot yourself in the foot, along with your chances of winning a chance at the Presidency. While some people will vote for him, he just guaranteed that a whole lot of us, including Republicans, won't even look at him as a viable candidate.

How can you think that a statement like this is even acceptable?

"They're pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so they can get your vote. That's what the bottom line is. So I don't want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families."

Wait a minute. So he thinks that our Brothers and Sisters don't work? That a majority of Black Americans are on welfare? That if you're Black, you are looking for a handout?



While there are still massive problems with the welfare system, Welfare Reform is more than 15 years old. The system changed dramatically in the 90s, forcing participants to look for jobs, putting time limits on adults, and sanctioning those who try to defraud the system.

The economic meltdown really hurt a lot of the success of Welfare Reform. Last hired, first fired is still the mantra of businesses everywhere. People who worked their way out of welfare were among the first fired. So they had to go back to the system to help pay the bills and feed their kids.

Yeah, I know, but listen to me -- If your highly skilled and qualified neighbor has been out of work for two years, what the heck makes you think that the person down the street with a GED and two kids, with a no-account ex who's been dodging his/her child support for the last 10 years, is going to be able to bounce right out and find a new job?

There are a lot of people on the system right now who never, ever, in their lives, would've thought it would come to this. They are struggling to survive. They paid into the system by working and paying taxes like everyone else. Now they're taking a little bit back and Santorum thinks that they're leeching off the government?

What would make this clown think that Black Americans aren't out busting their behinds like everyone else, looking for jobs and trying to raise their families?

In fact, what makes him think that the majority of people on assistance are Black? While the proportions may be high, due to a number of factors including discrimination, lack of education or opportunity and physical location, there are more WHITE people on welfare than Blacks.

And you all wondered why I said, straight up, that there are NO credible Republican candidates. None. The people stepping up are the dregs of the party, if you ask me for my biased opinion. Hypocrites, bigots, delusional, even a bit demented, that certainly fits the candidates that I've seen so far.

The Republicans don't have a chance.
Thank God.