Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ummm, Unclear on the Concept?

I was reading some comments on the Supreme Court decision regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Ummm, are some of these people really unclear or just ignorant? Leaving the US because of the healthcare act? Where are they going to go -- most developed countries have a universal health plan!!

I'm afraid I laughed myself silly.

As for Mitt and his blathering about repealing the healthcare act -- DUDE, it's based on YOUR plan that YOU implemented! Can we say hypocrite at best? (I'm actually leaning toward liar, but I'm trying hard to be polite. Lord knows why.)

The "tax" that people are ranting about? Ummm, what, you usually get a refund, right? So you'll get a slightly smaller refund if you don't have health insurance. If you're truly poor, you qualify for Medi-Cal or Medicaid so all you have to do is apply.

If you don't like the provisions in the healthcare act, I want to remind you that this is NOT the original plan presented to Congress. This is a compromise with provisions put into it by the Republicans, who are now howling about their own words, claiming that our President put stuff that in. Dude, no he didn't. You dang politicians hung every pork barrel and line of BS onto the plan, knowing that we, the people, needed a healthcare plan, so you took advantage of the situation. Don't whine too much, some of us are way smarter than you think we are and we know whose fault it is!

If you ask me, 90% of the politicians at every level of government should be voted out after a decade of service. In the meantime, their wages should be cut, their benefits reduced to that of their constituents, and so on.

So anyway, the next time you hear Rush or one of his cronies ranting on the radio, remember that they have a vested interest in keeping you riled up with their lies. If you want the true facts, take it to the source! Read the act, read the Supreme Court decision, read the website.

And please, don't tell me you're moving to Canada because of the healthcare act. I may have trouble restraining my laughter.

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