Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Election Is Over and You're Talking About What?

Are you kidding me? Impeachment? For what?

Oh my goodness, I thought that Democrats were poor losers, but this just takes the cake!

Impeachment? Really?

You really should look at some of the information being spread by these folks. Ignorance certainly is bliss, because they're claiming that President Obama and his Administration is everything from Marxist to having stolen the election with voter fraud. (Funny, I could've sworn that I read about the electronic voting machines in several states that gave Romney the vote, no matter which box you'd clicked!)

And the "Obamacare" that they're blathering about was based upon the system set up by Romney! So, what alternate reality do these people live in? Why is it when the Democratic (Black) President gets it through, it's bad, but when the Republican governor implemented it in his state, it was good?

Oh, and the secede movement. OMGoodness, are you kidding? REALLY? And they think that anyone is going to take them seriously?

Impeach the President? Nonsense!!

These fools have been listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who make their money by blathering away on the radio, making idiots of themselves as they lie their way through another hour of your life. Have they forgotten that Rush is a drug addict and Hannity is just an out-and-out idiot?

Knowledge is power so you really should know what these fools are carrying on about, even if you agree with me -- they're morons. Check out the foolishness being spouted on the Internet, but if you don't want to blow a gasket, avoid Limbaugh's and Hannity's radio shows at all costs. Just read the transcripts, it's a little easier on your nerves...

Voting Machine Problems:
Impeach Obama Campaign:
Rush Limbaugh:
Sean Hannity:

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