Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why I Don't Vote Republican

Taking just the briefest, shallowest look at the Presidential candidates:

Cain - sexual harassment accusations

Gingrich - hypocrite who raised Cain about Clinton cheating on his wife -- while he was busily cheating on his wife with his next wife...

Ron Paul - anti-women's rights and don't forget his racist newsletter

Romney - Mormon (some people will never get past that), anti-union, wants to raise age limit for Medicare, wants to increase the military by at least 100,000 troops

Santorum - against birth control, tried to tack Intelligent Design onto the No Child Left Behind (like that hasn't been a big enough disaster)

Trump - birther

What? These are the Republican candidates? (Yes, I know that some are out of the race already.) Are you KIDDING me? Out of the entire Republican party, this is the best they can do?

I just shake my head. Not a credible candidate in the running.

As a woman, I couldn't vote for a candidate who was against birth control (unless the other choice was Hitler), I couldn't vote for a racist, I couldn't vote for a birther, I couldn't vote for a hypocrite.

Hmmm, guess that took care of the Repubs...

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