Sunday, September 28, 2008

Borrowing Against Our Future -- AGAIN

OK, great. The Feds are going to give Bush a boatload of money to "bail out" the country.

What's wrong with this picture?

Ummm, guys, isn't this the very thing that everyone is ragging on homeowners about? We borrowed our way out of (and into) debt?

It doesn't work.

You can't borrow money to pay off debt, thereby making more debt that will sink your future.

What we NEED to do is finish our business in Iraq. Yes, I don't think we should abandon the Iraqi peoples, but we need to finish up and get out of their way. At this point, we may well be making things worse, not better.

Once we're out of there, we need to redistribute the monies spent on the war effort. (BTW: the war has been over a LONG time, this is a mopping up/police action.) We need to refurbish our Social Security system, pay down debt, assist families and homeowners with crushing debt, whether it's due to medical bills or fraudulent loans, assist them with proper loans with fixed rates so their lives are back in balance.

We need to assist with childcare costs, so people can afford to work, and childcare providers can afford to stay in business.

We need to do a lot of things in this country.

But borrowing against our future isn't the way to go.

Sorry Bush, you're just perpetuating the problem.

It's not going to work...

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