Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No One Is Serious About Gas Prices

Look my friends, nobody in our government cares that we're paying through the nose for gasoline.

They don't care. No one is serious about gas prices.

Trust me, I've been through many a gas crisis. I was driving when gas went over a dollar a gallon and Americans about had a fit. I was driving during the big gas crunch of the 70s, and through every crisis since then.

The government doesn't give a flying you-know-what about us little people.

If the government was serious about saving energy, emissions, and gas prices, the speed limit would be lowered to 55mph.

I know, a lot of people would still speed, but they'd be speeding at 65, not 85. And the state police would be making plenty of money for local government in fines. (In California, the fines for speeding on the freeways go to the local government, so if you're speeding in Solano County and get caught by the CHP, Solano County gets the fine.)

I am VERY serious about this issue.

I was talking to a co-worker today. He owns a Prius. Now according to, the Prius is estimated to get 45mpg highway. He gets 55mpg.


I pass him many a morning on the way to work, out there on the freeway. He's putzing along in the slow lane at 55 mph. He leaves about 15 minutes early (unlike my usual 10 minutes late) and just cruises along. He told me that for every 5mph (slower), he gets 5mpg better gas mileage.

He gets awesome gas mileage because he drives his car at the optimum speed.

On the way home, I'm usually in the slow lane, putzing along behind a big rig at about 55-60mph. If I did the same thing every morning, my truck would probably be getting at least 25mpg highway, instead of about 19-20mpg.

So, considering the gas mileage my co-worker gets in his hybrid, I can estimate that IF the Feds lowered the speed limits, we'd save enough gas to make gas prices drop like rocks -- even if we're driving SUVs.

But the Feds aren't going to do that.


Not to be cynical, but like always, it's all about the MONEY.

Here in Cali, we pay a lot of taxes on gas, more than any other state. We also drive a lot. If we don't use as much gas, the tax revenue goes down. If the tax revenue goes down, the government doesn't collect as much money.

Bottom line, it's about the money.

Money talks and BS walks.

Let me be even more blunt. The government is NOT your friend.

If our Federal government was serious about global warming (which is another rant for another day), controlling emissions, and gas prices, the speed limit would be 55mph for everyone, trucks and cars alike.

We wouldn't even need smog checks, a lower speed limit would also lower emissions.

But the Feds aren't serious at all.

Yes, I know, that leaves the job of keeping our gas bills down to us little people.

So, hey, what am I doing to conserve? Well, we're getting that tax incentive money in May. Anyone have an unmodified Honda CRX HF 5-speed with air conditioning for sale??

Or a Mercedes 240D converted to run on veggie oil?

I can't stop commuting, I can't afford to take a 50% pay cut. So I'm looking for an economy car. Don't think I'm kidding. If you have one, e-mail me ASAP!!

I'd LOVE to get off the gas/diesel rigmarole altogether. But if not, an old 8 valve Honda engine will do just fine...

Because I know that only you and I care about gas prices. The Feds sure don't care.

No one else cares about gas prices. Except the little guys who're getting screwed.

Hey my friend, that's you and me!!

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