Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Presidential State of Mind

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise." ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

I want my President to be able to see past the difficulties and negativity of the moment.
I want my President to see the positivity and potential in his decisions, knowing that he'll be vilified no matter what he does, so he makes the choice that leads to a better future. He doesn't waste time and energy wallowing in the past.
I want my President to lead the people, pursuading Congress to think past the pork barrel projects, past the extremists shouting outside, past their own petty concerns, and look toward a positive outcome for the people -- and not their own political survival.
I want my President to care about me and you and the guy down the block and the Veterans who've come home damaged by war who need more help than the government currently provides. I want my President to care about the people. His people.
I want my President to look past the storm and determine to ride it out, no matter what the personal cost and how hopeless it all looks right this minute.
Hopelessness is a state of mind and all too often, when you look back at it, you realize that you did make it through the storm. Not untouched. Often not unharmed. But you made it through, despite all the odds against you. And life is good.
That's what I want in my President.

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