Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stigmatizing Welfare Recipients

Oh great. Rick Scott, that idiot that's running Florida, puffed himself all up. Well, now the needle is popping that balloon.

All welfare applicants must drug test -- out of their own pockets -- in order to receive benefits.

Yeah, they touted this like everybody on welfare is a shambling crack ho, spending the gov't money on drugs instead of feeding their children.

Hahahahaha! Too funny! Results so far: Of the approximately 1,000 applicants, only 20 tested positive.


So Florida has proved what all too many public employees already knew. Most people on assistance are trying to manage in a difficult situation. They're trying to keep a place to live and feed their kids. There's nothing left for drugs.

Don't believe me? Look up the benefit amounts in your state and try to live on them for just one month. I won't even bet you, it's not right to take easy money like that.

So, the next time someone is ranting about "those welfare leaches," do bring up Florida.

Yep, the haters have had another balloon blow up right in their faces.


Yeah, I smiled...

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