Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cut Off CalWORKs???


Is he freaking serious?

The governator of Cali has again opened his mouth and proved that he's just as ignorant as the racists down at the KKK rally.

Does he ever THINK before he opens his mouth?

Eliminate CalWORKs? Do you know who is on CalWORKs????

Arnie is stuck in Reagan's "Welfare Queen" urban legend. No, I'm not saying that there's not people gaming the system. Of course there are! People are people and there will always be the dishonest and thieves among us.

The problem is that he has no clue what would happen if we cut off all benefits to the poor, to the children.

Forget about our Union jobs for a minute, all of you who started to go there. We are NOT tripping. Do you really want to know why?

  1. Desperate people will do desperate things. Crime will rise to an amazing level. Check fraud and ID theft will be rampant. Some will progress to selling drugs and burglary. And it will get worse. Parents will do anything to feed their children. (Even go on welfare.)
  2. Once the parents are in the court system, what about the children? Who is going to care for them? Long suffering grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, who are already suffering and won't be able to get CalWORKs payments to help raise the children? Or will they go straight into foster care, which is even more expensive than assisting families from the get-go?
  3. And the long term consequences. Children raised in foster care DO NOT do well when they grow up. All too many end up as single parents and/or in jail. Thereby perpetuating the cycle of a generational curse.
  4. While we're at it, let's also look at In Home Supportive Services. Those are the underpaid and under appreciated who care for the elderly and disabled, helping them stay in their homes and saving the government boatloads of money. Nursing homes cost thousands and thousands of dollars per month VS the care worker that barely makes minimum wage, but helps people stay home, where they belong. That could be your parents and grandparents and great-grandparents.

Why aren't we tripping about our jobs?

We will have jobs. They'll be in the foster care system, corrections, local police forces, and then once the politicians have figured out that people are angry and ready to vote them all out, the welfare system will crank back into gear. If nothing else, that Federal funding that the state uses to fund a lot more than CalWORKs will catch their attention. We receive more than we spend (did you know that?) so Arnie's fuzzy math just will not add up to the savings that he claims.

And don't think that the Courts and the Unions won't weigh in. They will definitely battle it out to the bitter end.

Yeah, Arnie the governator can puff up his chest like a banty hen and strut around the Capitol, but he's on his way out the door.

I wish I could plant a boot in his a** and hurry him on his way...

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