Saturday, May 30, 2009

Obama's Supreme Court Choice


We FINALLY get a good pick for the Supreme Court and the GOP is having a hemorrhage about a speech that she made in 1991!

Yes, Sonia Sotomayor did say that a Latina judge "would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Context people, think context!

The people having the biggest fits are old white guys who were never poor. Ever.

The point is that each judge brings their own background with them to the bench. That's human, we ALL view things from the influences of our lives.

A Latina woman who came up from poverty, fighting her way into law school and success, is definitely going to view life from a different perspective than a white child of a privileged background.

In some ways, she may be more compassionate. In others, she may be harder than any of us can imagine.

Don't buy into the media and the politicians carrying on. It's all a tempest in a teapot. She'll be great!

Sonia Sotomayor is a great choice for the Supreme Court!

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