Monday, November 3, 2008

History Will Be Made Tomorrow

Yes, it's a historic election in many, many ways.

It's more than electing our first [officially] Black President.

Honestly, whether Obama wins or loses, it will still be historic.

We've already had a huge turnout of voters. People who have never voted in their lives have not only registered to vote, but stood in line for two or three hours to vote.

I know I'm planning on being at my polling site when it opens at 7am. I normally vote after work, but with the anticipated huge turnout of voters, plus bad weather, I don't want to take a chance that I'll miss my chance to vote this year.

Obama is a remarkable man. Grieving his beloved grandmother, who passed on to Heaven today, he has stayed poised and on track throughout this election.

Despite vile lies, misdirection, out and out racism, and then even more lies, Obama is still standing strong and proud.

And let me say again, lies, lies, lies.

It's not like it's the first Presidential campaign that tried to imply that the candidate wasn't a citizen, that he wasn't really a Christian (remember it was a huge thing that JFK was Catholic), that he would bring chaos into the American system of government, that he wasn't white (but of course, Obama is mixed, so he really isn't all white), etc, etc, etc.

PULEEZE people, get a grip.

The United States system of government has been amazingly successful for us. We manage, every four years, to elect or re-elect a President, to maintain a stable government, to avoid chaos in the transition.

IE, life goes on.

I do believe that Obama is the best man for the job.

I'm sure I'll have someone e-mailing me and telling me a bunch of horrible lies that have long been discredited by (a valuable resource, you should check it out).

Even my own parents, die hard Republicans, told me some of the blathering that's being smeared across the air by too many right wing radio hosts.

For example, did you know that if Obama loses, there will be riots in the streets of America? REALLY??? I'm rolling my eyes and shaking my head over that crazy idea. I haven't heard any such thing over here on the Democratic side of the world. I can't imagine that people would riot over a Presidential election. That just does not happen in America.

(The ONLY way there would be riots would be if some idiot caused harm to our Brother. And my Brothers and Sisters of Color would not be alone, there'd be a boatload of whites up in the mix. Fortunately the Secret Service is on top of security, there won't be any slip ups.)

I must say, the Republican machine must be getting pretty desperate to come up with that kind of bull droppings...

And I'm sure you've heard all the nonsense about Obama's birth certificate, that he's not a native born American, that he's an Arab, that he follows Islam. I even read one comment online, that he's the anti-Christ.


People, as important as this election is to all of us, get a grip!! And in fact, take a hard look at the sources of all these lies.

Remember, the ends DO NOT justify the means.

Obama has remained poised and gentlemanly, despite all the mudslinging. McCain seems more shrill by the minute.

Yes, Obama is Presidential material. He'll be a fine figure leading our country.

Remember, the President is the leader, but Congress runs the show. Obama can only do so much in our system of checks and balances.

Even Bush could only do so much damage. It was plenty bad enough, but he wasn't able to destroy the country, in spite of all his efforts. Thanks to Powell and Rice and many, many other bright, intelligent staff, even Bush was generally not all bad.

Get a grip, my people!!

The world won't end when Obama wins the election. In fact, neither will the country.

We will have our normal orderly change of the guard, at the last minute Bush will pardon some doofus(s) that don't really deserve it, he'll sign a few more bills into law, he'll give his outgoing speeches, and then Obama will take his oath of office on the Bible -- yes a regular Bible, just like the one you have on your nightstand.

Everything will go on, just like it does every four years.

History will be made tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to it...

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