Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Number One Concern Is The Economy


The number one concern of American voters was Iraq.

Now it's the economy.

Not to be suspicious, but have you noticed that whenever the government wants to distract the American voter from an issue, the media starts broadcasting massive missives on another pressing topic?

What are they trying to distract us from now?

Suddenly, Bush's "war" isn't the top of the news, it's all about the economy. Gas prices, the stock market, food prices going up, the tomato/salmonella thing (look people, someone was using uncomposted chicken poop as fertilizer, WASH your veggies!), and the usual assortment of murders and crime.

I can't figure where this would help the Republicans, unless it's a ploy to distract us from something else that's even worse.

Of course, as Dad says, the news is all about the bad, and if the media can't find something bad to report, it'll make something up.

Or dredge something up from the past.

Speaking of, did you see that the news was actually reporting the anniversary of the OJ Simpson slow chase in Los Angeles? Like we really care about it??? Man, it really must've been a slow news day to bring that one up.

Or, being a tad paranoid, was it yet another chance to bring up the topic, "rich Black man did crime and got away with it", thereby making all rich Black men look bad? In fact, making ALL Black men look like they have the potential for violence?

Yes, you may think that my thoughts are a little on the paranoid side.

Well, our government has proven time and time again that there is NO hesitation to lie to the American public. Just this past week, it was reported that a POW from the Korean War was buried in China. Despite all previous declarations by our government and China that all POWs were returned and none were buried in China.

Me? Paranoid? Hmmmm.....


Then again, maybe I have a better nose for BS than the average American.

(Oh, and that UFO/Roswell/Area 51 thing, puleeze people, the government tested many, many experimental planes, some of which were triangle shaped. Check out the book World's Worst Aircraft by Bill Yenne and then tell me about funny shaped unidentified flying objects. Don't buy into everything you read. Even if I say it!!)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

If We Had Any Quality Candidates...

Yes, that's what my Dad said.

He's a die-hard Republican. Yet, he's not happy with his choices for President.

He won't vote anything but Republican, but he's not happy with McCain. I didn't really ask him why, but I suspect if he'd heard about McCain divorcing his first wife because he's a cheating man, that could be a BIG reason.

My Dad has little tolerance for a man who cheats on his wife. He's honest to a fault, BRUTALLY so.

If the die-hard Republican in the family is unhappy with our choices of candidates, what then for the rest of us?

If we had any quality candidates...

An interesting phrase from a man who votes a straight Republican ticket.

Change is coming. I can see it, feel it, smell it in the wind.

I don't know what it's going to be, but maybe next time around, in the next Presidential campaign, even Dad will see some quality candidates. Because I think Obama is going to be our first officially Black President.

(I know, you're saying, "Officially Black? Huh?" Do some research my friends, we've already had some "closet" Brothers as President.

And the Republicans are going to have to make some changes in order to try to regain the Presidency.

The next four years are going to be very interesting.

Change is coming!