Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Or if you prefer, just shoot yourself in the foot, along with your chances of winning a chance at the Presidency. While some people will vote for him, he just guaranteed that a whole lot of us, including Republicans, won't even look at him as a viable candidate.

How can you think that a statement like this is even acceptable?

"They're pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so they can get your vote. That's what the bottom line is. So I don't want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families."

Wait a minute. So he thinks that our Brothers and Sisters don't work? That a majority of Black Americans are on welfare? That if you're Black, you are looking for a handout?



While there are still massive problems with the welfare system, Welfare Reform is more than 15 years old. The system changed dramatically in the 90s, forcing participants to look for jobs, putting time limits on adults, and sanctioning those who try to defraud the system.

The economic meltdown really hurt a lot of the success of Welfare Reform. Last hired, first fired is still the mantra of businesses everywhere. People who worked their way out of welfare were among the first fired. So they had to go back to the system to help pay the bills and feed their kids.

Yeah, I know, but listen to me -- If your highly skilled and qualified neighbor has been out of work for two years, what the heck makes you think that the person down the street with a GED and two kids, with a no-account ex who's been dodging his/her child support for the last 10 years, is going to be able to bounce right out and find a new job?

There are a lot of people on the system right now who never, ever, in their lives, would've thought it would come to this. They are struggling to survive. They paid into the system by working and paying taxes like everyone else. Now they're taking a little bit back and Santorum thinks that they're leeching off the government?

What would make this clown think that Black Americans aren't out busting their behinds like everyone else, looking for jobs and trying to raise their families?

In fact, what makes him think that the majority of people on assistance are Black? While the proportions may be high, due to a number of factors including discrimination, lack of education or opportunity and physical location, there are more WHITE people on welfare than Blacks.

And you all wondered why I said, straight up, that there are NO credible Republican candidates. None. The people stepping up are the dregs of the party, if you ask me for my biased opinion. Hypocrites, bigots, delusional, even a bit demented, that certainly fits the candidates that I've seen so far.

The Republicans don't have a chance.
Thank God.