So, that idiot in Wisconsin wants to strip state employees' rights to representation?
I can see the handwriting on the wall on this one.
Basically, the union has already agreed to concessions. But the governor is out to bust the union. All the rest of his posturing is just that, posturing. He's blatantly admitted that his goal is to get the union out.
So, government employees don't have a right to representation?
Wait a minute. So he's saying that if you have a government job, you aren't as good as the next citizen?
I see this as yet another Republican jerk attempting to force the worker bees into a second-class citizen status. When workers are not represented, and not ALLOWED to have representation, then we're taking a huge step backwards. Unions came into being because of the way workers were treated and mistreated.
Without the union, employees could be fired for no reason at all.
Now, before you start commenting, let me set the record straight. Government employees CAN be fired. Oh yes they can! It takes a little longer, but it is done every day and in these tough economic times, trust me, they're getting fired on a regular basis. The difference is that (usually) the employee did something stupid like: didn't follow rules and regulations, broke confidentiality, or just didn't show up for work. Like durrrr, anybody can be fired for these reasons.
And when budget is tight, positions are eliminated. The seniority list is posted and if you're at the bottom, guess what? You get laid off!
Having a government job is not a job for life.
Oh, yeah, and those pension figures that they throw around, those aren't relevant to the worker bees. Most pensions, even in California, average $25,000 a year and many agencies don't pay a nickel toward the medical insurance.
Now the fat cats who are way overpaid already (since when does it make it OK to pay a County's CAO more than the President of the United States?!?), those are the pensions spouted by the anti-employee, anti-union idiots.
So, while the union may be busted in Wisconsin, we don't know yet, don't think that this can happen everywhere. The general public is against this BS. They can read the handwriting on the wall. Once the government employees are forbidden to have unions, forbidden to have representation, forbidden to negotiate, then regular private industry will follow.
And then maybe the underlying agenda will appear -- letting the politicians' fat sticky fingers plunder the pension funds.
Oh, yeah, trust me. This is more than just union busting. This is yet another ploy to steal pensions.
Can you say ENRON?
Yep. Don't be surprised if the governor's next step is to make up some rule, regulation, law, that the government is allowed take the pensions of the worker bees and drop it into the General Fund. And once it's in the General Fund, trust me, it's gone.
"Thieves in the temple."
Just wait and see just how ugly it's going to be.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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