Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yet Another Reason To Hate Republicans

Insensitive, self-righteous, obnoxious pig -- how's that for a start?

South Carolina Republican Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer gave me yet another reason to never, ever, ever become a Republican. Never.

On Friday, not only did he open his mouth, shove his foot in, but he's still gnawing at his hip instead of admitting that he could be WRONG and APOLOGIZE to the poor and needy families he insulted with his typical Republican point of view of the "welfare" system of cash aid, food stamps, Medicaid/Medi-Cal.

"My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals," Bauer told a Greenville-area crowd. "You know why? Because they breed.

"You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better."

He's comparing poor families to ANIMALS??? In a state with 12.6% unemployment?

And he feels NO need to apologize.

Say what?

OK, like I didn't need another reason to hate a closed minded, selfish, arrogant, self-righteous political organization that not only condones but encourages this kind of attitude toward the peoples of his state and the United States.

Calling poor families, even children, animals?

As a Christian, I'm embarrassed that someone who professes Christianity would forget that Jesus himself told us that the poor would always be with us AND that we're supposed to take care of the widows and children. It's our mandated duty, given to us by our Savior. We don't get to pick and choose what we think the right thing to do, this is straight out of the Big Man's mouth. We are to care for the poor. Period.

Bauer needs to crack open the Word and let the Lord smack him up side the head a few times. Then apologize and do some actual work for a change, like volunteer at the local soup kitchen and homeless shelter. No, not just a donation -- I'm talking about actually getting his behind up out of his white castle and go down into the streets and do some important work for the Lord.

In the meantime, we the people have a duty to handle politicians with this kind of disrespectful attitude toward the families they're supposed to represent.

IE: Vote the B******s out! (And in Bauer's case, don't vote him in as governor!)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day...

And another,

And another,

And another.

I'm Cali, born and raised, so I get a little irritated with the constant nattering about drought.

Bad news folks, California is a wet/dry climate. We have regular cycles of wet and then dry. In other words, it's not a drought, it's normal for our climate.

However, the constant stream of misinformation is big business, not just for the media, but for all aspects of our California culture. Just like the "global warming" scenario is for the Feds and scientists looking for grant money.

To be blunt, the entire planet cycles.

Sometimes it's hotter.

Sometimes it's colder.

Sometimes it's wetter.

Sometimes it's dryer.

There are far, far more factors involved in climate and weather than man's influence.

Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't use wind, solar, water, any alternate energy source. Heck no! We certainly should. But not because of the hype about global warming. We should do it because done right, it would be cheaper for the consumer.

The next time you hear nattering about drought or global warming, remember: It wasn't that long ago that scientists were sure that we were slipping into the next ice age.

Honestly, all it would take would be another Krakatoa or Tambora or Yellowstone to make an abrupt change in our climate cycles.

So while the doomsayers natter on, do some research, check into the information that they state as fact (it's usually just the latest theory and not a fact at all), and take it all with a grain of salt. The earth may be heating up or cooling down, but scientists and politicians don't know how or why, they just think they do.

And as long as there's grant money available to "prove" those theories, somebody is going to be doing their best to find the facts that fit the theory. Yeah, it's not very ethical, but it's what happens all too often when money meets a theory...

The Little Ice Age:

Oh My Gosh! Larry Platt On American Idol

Larry Platt - Memorable auditions

This was GREAT!

And upon reading about Larry Platt, he's an awesome man. From the Civil Rights movement right up to the present, he's an activist that we should pay attention to!

While some may feel that performing "Pants On The Ground" on the pop TV show American Idol was beneath him, I saw him as an impassioned activist that saw a way to send a message to millions of Americans about self respect and dignity. He was not acting the buffoon as some bloggers have said, he was using the popular media to get an important message out to our youth.

He's a great man. Check the video out -- Larry Platt.

And then read more about him and be ready to be truly impressed!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Misinformation And Straight Up Republican LIES

I just heard the Meg Whitman ad on the radio yesterday and about swallowed my teeth. (Good thing they're still original equipment!)

Have you heard the garbage she's spouting about welfare reforms?

Ummmm, did she miss the fact that we've had Welfare Reform over 10 years ago now?

From her own website:

MEG: Some people worry that we're creating a welfare state. The fact is, California is the welfare state.

ANNCR: Meg Whitman talks about the California welfare system.

MEG: Did you know that California has twice the population of New York, but five times as many welfare cases? 32 percent of all welfare caseloads in America are here in California.

We provide among the highest cash welfare checks of any state.

But only 22 percent of our recipients work for their benefits.

The system is broken.

But we can fix it…

Let's cut the lifetime welfare benefit from five years to two.

And let's put able-bodied welfare recipients to work. Looking for employment, performing community service or working toward a GED.

If they don't, they lose their benefits.

Welfare can't be a way of life. We need to help those in need, but we need to do it in a way that's accountable, sensible, and strengthens our communities.

ANNCR: Paid for by Meg Whitman for Governor 2010.

MEG: It's time for A New California. What do you think? Share your ideas and read my plan at

OK, now let's just look at this. Except for cutting the 5 year lifetime limit to 2 years, what she's spouting is WHAT WE'RE ALREADY DOING!

Sorry for shouting, but she's spouting garbage. It's all political gobbledygook to make people get all hot and bothered about "those people".

Well, you know what, with approximately 12.5% unemployment* in California, there may be good reasons why welfare recipients aren't working. They can't find jobs!

Use your heads people! If your highly skilled next door neighbor got laid off and can't find work, what makes you think that someone with a GED, two kids, and an ex that refuses to pay child support, is going to be able to bounce out the door and find a job that will make him/her and the family self sufficient? Get real!!

Meg is pushing out the usual Republican pap to get the right wing masses all hot and bothered about "those lazy welfare recipients".

Bad news Meg, reality bites and the garbage you're pushing out is just that, garbage. A pack of misinformation and straight up lies. Too bad that the conservatives will bite, sucking up the party line instead of using their heads, doing a little research, and realizing that you're just Arnie in a dress.


I fear for my state, if Meg gets in, we're looking at four more years of the same tired BS. We might as well vote Arnold in again. It'll just be more of the same -- blame the poor and the liberals instead of rolling up sleeves and actually doing some work.

Oh. I didn't mention something about our welfare recipients, did I?

The biggest welfare recipients are our elected representatives, sucking at the government teat while spending OUR money, trying to steal OUR pensions, and then blaming US for their mismanagement of this beautiful state.

Well, they're right about one thing. We are to blame for voting them back in, year after year after year.

This next election, let's make a REAL change.

Vote them all out!


Start over with some new blood. We can't do any worse than we already have!!

And in the meantime, since Meg is already lying in her ad campaign, if I was you, I'd be really suspicious about everything else that comes out of her mouth. Leopards don't change their spots and liars don't stop lying. Even when they've been busted for it.

Especially when they've been busted.

Think about it.

And don't take my word for it. Look it up.

From 1997 - when Welfare Reform began:

From 2003 - The stats used by pundits like Meg:

BUT looking further on the same website:

Unemployment - January 2010:

And by state - November 2009:

* California unemployment in November 2009. Recent news reports are putting the actual unemployment rate at nearly 25%. (But we all know how the media can distort a simple statistic!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Dilemma of the California Valley Miwok Tribe

California Valley Miwok Tribe is essentially a landless tribe. All their tribal homelands are gone and the only land that they have as a tribal headquarters is a house in Stockton, California.

However, they face losing that tiny bit of land too, due to the Federal Government withholding the monies owed to the tribe.

Now, there appears to be a major dispute over the tribal leadership and membership. However, the failure to pay funds owed to the tribe is not the way to deal with internal disputes within a sovereign nation.

This is a very complex and disheartening read of the legal issues involved in both the election of the current leadership of the tribe as well as the involvement of the BIA. I agree that all members of the tribe should be involved in the administration of the tribe. But how can this happen if there's no funds available? We aren't talking about a rich tribe here, the California tribes have been impoverished for generations.

No matter which side you're on, this is an ugly situation.

It seems to me that very least that the Feds could do is to pay the mortgage on the property out of the gaming funds while the internal dispute is being resolved. Should it turn out that the membership of the entire tribe decides that the current tribal administration needs to be removed, then the tribe can decide if the funds should be reimbursed to the tribe by the current owners.

In the meantime, the current foreclosure is set for January 15th, 2010.

For details, check it out: (Note: I have no affiliation with this website, nor do I agree with all their political views.)