Sunday, August 9, 2009


Oh my gosh, I am just livid with our California lawmakers and the idiot governator.

They have a budget, so he goes in with his blue pen and lines out more stuff?

Why the HELL did the budget get so delayed, when he was holding it up, and then he just went in and destroyed a bunch of hard won agreements and work anyway?

The governor of California is a bleeding idiot and so are all too many of my fellow inmates in this beautiful asylum we call a state.

I didn't vote for this guy.

Anyone who got sucked into his BS should be sorry now.

I could have told you that we'd have a budget mess a long time ago. In fact, as soon as he got into office and leveraged all our state debt into new agreements. All he did was push the payment back, and now here we are, backs against the wall, thanks to him and his "solutions" to our budget problems.

The poor will suffer.
The middle class will suffer.
The old, the children, the disabled are now officially screwed by the governor.

I am so angry I could spit nails!

He needs to go back to the fanatsy world of the movies. Because he's forgotten where he came from. Now he's just another bent up Republican on a power trip.

People, pay attention to who you vote for.

IE: Be careful what you wish for -- you might get it.

And oh, man, did we get it...