Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's About Darn Time People Can Get Married!

I was amazed and pleased with the Court decision that gays and lesbians should be able to marry.

Yes, I know, some would be surprised at my thoughts regarding this.

But let me express some ideas, as a Christian.
  • God never says "oops", so if a person is hardwired into being attracted to the same sex, who am I to question how the Lord knit them together?
  • Jesus told the crowd that whoever was without sin could throw the first stone at the adulteress, and when he looked up from writing in the sand, they were all gone. So he told the woman to go and sin no more. Hmmm... John 8:3-11
  • All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blaspemies wherewith soever they shall blasheme: But he that shall blasheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation? Mark 3:18
  • Judge not, that ye be not judged. Mathew 7:1

OK, so the way I see it:

  • It's not my bed, nor is it my business who loves who.
  • It's not my job to decide if God made a mistake, God determines the Path, not me.
  • Better to be wed than to be out fornicating.

Now, I should make this a little clearer. I believe that we should follow Jesus' words about Caesar and God. The current state of a "marriage" in America is really a business relationship recognized by the government, often formalized by a religious ceremony.

We need to change our definition of terms. We need to separate the state definition from the church definition.

I think everybody should go to the courthouse and get their Certificate of Civil Union, swear in front of the clerk, get it done. Bang, you're officially, in the eyes of the government, a couple entitled to your tax deductions, health coverage, etc.

You'll also have equal protections under the law if you split up. Child support, separating the property, bills, credit, etc -- just like the current state of divorce for hetro couples.

Anyway, after you've had your Civil Union, then if you want to get "married", then you go over to your church and have your wedding according to your own faith system.

One advantage to this sort of arrangement is that such entities as the FDLS, now notorious for forcing young girls into marriages with older men and other wives, will clearly be in the wrong (legally) no matter how they try to spin it.

All laws regarding underage weddings would apply whether they were Civil Unions or within that church's belief systems. Civil law wouldn't allow it. Period. (Yes, I know it doesn't now, but somehow this cult has tried to spin it so the government is in the wrong.)

Whether it's Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve, it's a civil matter with the government.

If your church isn't cool with it, then your church is under no obligation to recognise your relationship in their religious dogma.

So that's my take on it.

It's about darn time people can get married!