Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Minister Controversy

I've been catching sound bites here and there about Obama's pastor controversy.

OK folks, lets get real here.

The pastor looks like he was in the midst of a fiery sermon and someone took the worst of out-of-context remarks to make him look bad.

Typical dirty politics.

You know, I'm not even going to justify this with too long of a post.

Obama is not the same man as his pastor. I'm not the same person as my pastor. Like me, I doubt very much that Obama and his pastor share all the same beliefs.

Yes, we're all Christians, but we all process the Word in different ways. The Lord speaks to us, each in the way that we can understand and only He knows what that way is.

So I'm really not concerned at all about the pastor's comments.


First, I didn't hear the whole sermon, I just got a sound bite. Like I said, probably completely out-of-context. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, it's not relevant to Obama's Presidential campaign at all.

Second, Obama is his own person. So to hold him to what the pastor said (in an out-of-context sound bite) is crazy. NO ONE truly knows another man's heart. We can only judge a person by their fruits. Obama's fruits look pretty good to me, he's a hard worker who came up from middle class America, lived in other countries, raised by a single parent who lived what she believed. His life experience is already a great asset to Congress and will be to the Presidency.

Third, this is dirty politics as usual. It ranks right up there on the stinkometer with the rumors of Obama being Muslim (so what if he was -- but he's not, he's a Christian), of not being Black enough, of being too Black, of not having enough experience (like being governor of Texas was enough for our current President?), etc, etc, etc. All a bunch of bull hockey.

So this latest "controversy"? They're having to dig hecka deep to try to find dirt to throw at the man. It looks pretty desperate to me!!

I'm not going to let some manufactured controversy throw me off course. Of the choices we have, Obama, Clinton, or McCain, each one would make a decent President, but I like Obama the best.

And that's Mom's rant of the day!